Wednesday 17 October 2012

Sound assistant

Sound assistant

 Essential knowledge and skills

Sound Assistants must have a basic understanding of electronics and sound recording. They must have a good, reliable working knowledge of a variety of microphones and how to position them for sound. Key Skills include: Excellent aural skills Dexterity and agility Ability to anticipate Good timing Precise attention to detail Diplomacy and sensitivity on set Knowledge of the requirements of the relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures

 Apart from the qualification i will eventually have when I'm done with my masters, I was surprised that I think i have many of the required skills. So I hope skill set is accurate in what there telling me. I have great communications skills thanks to my experience as a sales assistant, I'm fit and healthy so heavy lifting using physically demanding equipment wont be an issue. being a hip hop dancer means I am always working on my timing with music and sound. I do also pride myself on having attention to detail.

Skill Set

I have found the website "skill set" is a great website for my studies, it has a vast amount of careers listed. What they involve, what education and skill they require, and the best way to break into them. Though after looking at all of the sound orientated careers it seems that to get anywhere you need to start as on single thing.

 A Sound assistant trainee which is:

  Sound assistant trainee.

  Sound Assistants are the third members of the Production Sound Crew and provide general back up and support to the Production Sound Mixer and the Boom Operator. They are responsible for checking all stock, microphones and batteries and making sure that the sound department runs as smoothly as possible.

 You can be a sound assistant on a film set, a sound studio, theater and anywhere that requires a team to handle sound. And after you have gained enough experience in what you are doing you may be given bigger tasks and be asked to help out with more important operation. From Observing and shadowing people in the areas you want to progress in is necessary. eventually you will be able to either fill jobs that become available or apply for jobs in the area that you have been shadowing. And from there on out it is up to you to progress and work your way through to the areas you wish to go to.
Although I have learnt various things in my life from experiences and working different jobs. If someone from a very prestigious company approached me and asked me what skills i have to work in there company. I feel as though i would have nothing to say. As dabbling in flash, Photoshop, animation etc etc. Has left me with just enough experience to just to be a novice in all of those areas. Though I will still look at what jobs may suit me.

Though I have always loved sound and know that I want a career in this field, I also know that to break into his industry you need to have a sufficient qualification in this field. So I will need to take a masters degree in some sort of sound technology degree.

Brain Storm Diagram

Brain Storm Diagram of my Module Question