Wednesday 17 October 2012

Sound assistant

Sound assistant

 Essential knowledge and skills

Sound Assistants must have a basic understanding of electronics and sound recording. They must have a good, reliable working knowledge of a variety of microphones and how to position them for sound. Key Skills include: Excellent aural skills Dexterity and agility Ability to anticipate Good timing Precise attention to detail Diplomacy and sensitivity on set Knowledge of the requirements of the relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures

 Apart from the qualification i will eventually have when I'm done with my masters, I was surprised that I think i have many of the required skills. So I hope skill set is accurate in what there telling me. I have great communications skills thanks to my experience as a sales assistant, I'm fit and healthy so heavy lifting using physically demanding equipment wont be an issue. being a hip hop dancer means I am always working on my timing with music and sound. I do also pride myself on having attention to detail.

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